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时间:2019-06-04   来源:    阅读:次

博亚体育:Takashi Oguchi

GIS 地貌学家, 东京大学终身教授,东京大学空间信息情报中心


2018至今 日本地理信息系统协 主席

2016-2018 日本地理信息系统协 主席

2014-2018 东京大学空间信息情报中心 主任

2011至今 日本科学理事会成员

2010-2014东京大学空间信息情报中心 副主任

2009至今 东京大学空间信息情报中心 教授,主要研究领域为地貌学及GIS

1988-2009东京大学空间信息情报中心 副教授,主要研究领域为地貌学及GIS

2007-2011 美国孟菲斯大学 地球科学博亚体育 兼职研究生导师

1997-1998 香港研究所 访问学者,研究内容为GIS在水中的应用

1997 美国亚利桑那大学 水文与水资源 访问学者,研究内容为GIS在地貌学中的应用

1991-1997 东京大学 科学博亚体育地理 助理教授,研究内容为河流和山坡地貌


1985 东京大学 学士

1987 东京大学 理学硕士

1996 东京大学 理学博士


1997至今 Catena》编委会成员Elsevier, SCI)

1999-2002 《Geomorphology》编委会成员Elsevier, SCI)

2003至今《Geomorphology》联合主编Elsevier, SCI)

2004-2014Geographical Research际顾问会成员(Blackwell,SSCI)

2006-2014 Geography Compass》编委会成员Blackwell)

2006-2015 The Open Geology Journal》编委会成员(Bentham Science)

2014至今《Geoderma Regional》编委会成员Elsevier)

2018至今《Remote sensing》副主编(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, SCI)


Acta Geologica Polonica (Polish Academy of Science)
Arabian Journal of Geosciences (Springer)
Computers & Geosciences (Elsevier)
Disasters (Blackwell)
Earth Science Reviews (Elsevier)
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms (Wiley)
Engineering Geology (Elsevier)
Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer)
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (Elsevier)

Geoarchaeology (Wiley)
Geoderma (Elsevier)
Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria (Comitato Glaciologico Italiano)
Geology (Geological Society of America)
Geophysical Research Letters (American Geophysical Union)
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (European Geosciences Union)
Hydrological Processes (Wiley)
International Journal of Geo-information (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (Elsevier)
Journal of Coastal Research (Coastal Education and Research Foundation)
Journal of Geography in Higher Education (Taylor & Francis)
Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier)
Land Degradation and Development (Wiley)
Ocean Engineering (Elsevier)
Natural Hazards (Springer)
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (American Society for Photogrammetry
& Remote Sensing)
Physical Geography (Taylor & Francis)
Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (Springer)
Review of Geophysics (Wiley)
Quaternary International (Elsevier)
Quaternary Research (Elsevier)
Quaternary Science Reviews (Elsevier)
Remote Sensing of Environment (Elsevier)
Tropical Conservation Science (SAGE Publication)
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie (E Schweizerbart Science Publishers)


2004-2011 国际地理协会 土地退化和荒漠化问题 指导委员会委员

2006-2011 国际地貌学家协会 影响工作 副主席

2007-2009 国际地貌学家协会 星体地貌学工作组 指导委员

2007-2010 跨GIS学会 执行委员委员

2009至今 国际地貌学家协会 丹霞地貌工作组 指导委员

2012-2016国际地理协会 土地退化和荒漠化问题 秘书

2017至今 国际地貌学家协会 执行委员会委员


1995 青年地理学家杰出论文奖 (日本地理学家协会)



2008 COMLAND Award (国际地理学会 土地退化和荒漠化问题)



2018 杰出审稿人奖(日本科学促进会


  1. Chen, C.W., Oguchi, T., Hayakawa, Y.S., Saito, H., Chen, H., Lin, G-W., Wei, L-W.., Chao, Y.C., and Cheng, C.T. (2018): Sediment yield during typhoon events in relation to landslides, rainfall, and catchment areas in Taiwan. Geomorphology, 303, 540-548.

  2. Ito, Y., Oguchi, T., and Masuda, F. (2018): Late Quaternary depositional sequences and landforms in relation to sea-level changes in the Osaka intra-arc basin, Japan: A borehole database analysis. Quaternary International, 471B, 298-317.

  3. Nakata, Y., Hioki, Y., and Oguchi, T. (2018): Evaluation of beach vegetation for conservation/rehabilitation in Tottori Prefecture, Southwest Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 14, 231–243.

  4. Oguchi, T., Hayakawa, Y., and Oguchi, C.T. (2017): Quaternary fluvial environments and paleohydrology in Syria. In: Enzel, Y, Bar-Yosef, O. (eds.) Quaternary of the Levant: Environments, Climate Change, and Humans, Cambridge University Press, 417-421.

  5. Chen, C.W., Oguchi, T., Hayakawa, Y.S., Saito, H., and Chen, H. (2017): Relationship between landslide size and rainfall conditions in Taiwan. Landslides, 14, 1235–1240.

  6. Chen, C.W., Saito, H., and Oguchi, T. (2017): Analyzing rainfall-induced mass movements in Taiwan using the soil water index. Landslides, 14, 1031-1041

  7. Chen, H., Oguchi, T. and Wu, P. (2017): Assessment for soil loss by using a scheme of alterative sub-models based on the RUSLE in a Karst Basin of Southwest China. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 16, 377-388.

  8. Hayakawa, Y.S., Yoshida, H., Dragut, L., and Oguchi, T. (2017): Automated extraction of hummocks in debris avalanche deposits using DEMs: A case study at Mt. Gassan, northwest Japan. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues, 61,199-212.

  9. Hecht, H. and Oguchi, T. (2017): Global evaluation of erosion rates in relation to tectonics. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 4, 40.

  10. Saito, H., Murakami, W., Daimaru, H., and Oguchi, T. (2017): Effect of forest clearcutting on landslide occurrences: Analysis of rainfall thresholds at Mt. Ichifusa, Japan. Geomorphology, 276, 1-7.

  11. Chen, C.W., Chen, H., and Oguchi, T. (2016). Distributions of landslides, vegetation, and related sediment yields during typhoon events in northwestern Taiwan. Geomorphology, 273, 1-13.

  12. Kondo, Y., Miki, T., Kuronuma, T., Hayakawa, Y.S., Kataoka, K., and Oguchi, T. (2016): Concurrent and sustainable development of a local-scale digital heritage inventory through action research at Bat, Oman. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 6, 195-212.

  13. Yunus, A.P., Oguchi, T., and Hayakawa, Y.S., (2016): Remote identification of fluvial knickzones and their imprints on landscape morphology in the passive margins of Western Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments, 130, 14-29.

  14. Hayakawa, Y.S., Oguchi, T., Saito, H., Kobayashi, A., Baker, V.R., Pelletier, J.D., McGuire, L.A., Komatsu, G. and Goto, K. (2015): Geomorphic imprints of repeated tsunami waves in a coastal valley in northeastern Japan. Geomorphology, 242, 3-10.

  15. Yousif, M., Oguchi, T., Anazawa, K. and Ohba, T. (2014): Geospatial information and environmental isotopes for hydrogeological evaluation: Ras Alam El Rum, northwestern coast of Egypt. Natural Resources Research, 23, 423-445.

  16. 16. Saito, H., Korup, O., Uchida, T., Hayashi, S. and Oguchi, T. (2014): Rainfall conditions, typhoon frequency, and contemporary landslide erosion in Japan. Geology, 42, 999-1002.

  17. Korup, O., Hayakawa, Y., Codilean, A.T., Matsushi, Y., Saito, H., Oguchi, T. and Matsuzaki, H. (2014): Japan’s sediment flux to the Pacific Ocean revisited. EarthScience Reviews, 135, 1-1

  18. Yang, J., He, Y. and Oguchi, T. (2014). An endmember optimization approach for linear spectral unmixing of fine-scale urban imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 27B, 137-146.

  19. Oguchi, T., Wasklewicz, T. and Hayakawa, Y.S. (2013): Remote data in fluvial geomorphology: Characteristics and applications. In: Shroder, J.F. (ed.) Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 9, Academic Press, San Diego, 711-729.

  20. Oguchi, T., Hori, K., Watanuki, T., Oguchi, C.T., Komatsubara, J., Hayakawa, Y. and Jaiswal, M. (2013): Fluvial surfaces along the Khabur River near Tell Seker alAheimar and their palaeoenvironmental implications. In: Nishiaki, Y., Kashima, K.and Verhoeven, M. (eds.) Neolithic Archaeology in the Khabur Valley, Upper Mesopotamia and Beyond. ex oriente e.V., Berlin, 39-50.

  21. Plater, A.J., Daniels, M.D. and Oguchi, T. (2013): Present Research Frontiers in Geomorphology. In: Shroder, J.F. (ed.) Treatise on Geomorphology, Volume 1, Academic Press, San Diego, pp. 349-376.

  22. Wang, Y.-H., Dong, P., Oguchi, T., Chen, S. and Shen, H. (2013). Long-term (1842– 2006) morphological change and equilibrium state of the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary, China. Continental Shelf Research, 56, 71-81.

  23. Wang, Y.-H., Oguchi, T., Ridd, P.V. and Shen, H., (2013). Anthropogenic influence on sedimentation during the last 100 years inferred from magnetic properties in the Changjiang Estuary, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 70, 1671-1680.

  24. Oguchi, T. and Wasklewicz, T. (2011): Geographical Information Systems in geomorphology. In: Geregory, K.J., Goudie, A. (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology. Sage Publications, London, 227-245.

  25. Oguchi, T., Hayakawa, Y.S. and Wasklewicz, T. (2011): Data sources. In: Smith, M., Paron, P., Griffiths, J. (Eds.) Geomorphological Mapping: Methods and Applications. Developments in Earth Surface Processes, Vol. 15. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 189-224.

  26. De Rose, R., Oguchi, T., Morishima, W. and Collad M. (2011): Land cover change on Mt Pinatubo, the Philippines, monitored using ASTER VNIR. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32, 9279-9305.

  27. . Kawabata, M., Thapa, R.B., Oguchi, T. and Tsou, M.-H. (2010): Multidisciplinary cooperation in GIS education: a case study of US colleges and universities. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 34, 493-509.

  28. Wang, Y., Dong, H., Li, G., Zhang, W., Oguchi, T., Bao, M., Jiang, H. and Bishop, M.E. (2010): Magnetic properties of muddy sediments on the northeastern continental shelves of China: implication for provenance and transportation. Marine Geology, 274, 107-119.

  29. Hayakawa, Y.S. and Oguchi, T. (2009): A GIS analysis of fluvial knickzone distribution in Japanese mountain watersheds. Geomorphology, 111, 27-37.

  30. 30. Iwata, O. and Oguchi, T. (2009): Factors affecting late 20th century land use patterns in Kamakura City, Japan. Geographical Research, 47, 175-191.

  31. Lin, Z. and Oguchi, T. (2009): Longitudinal and transverse profiles of hilly and mountainous watersheds in Japan. Geomorphology, 111, 17-26.

  32. Lin, Z., Oguchi, T., Chen, Y.-G. and Saito, K. (2009): Constant slope alluvial fans and source basins in Taiwan. Geology, 37, 787-790.

  33. Wang, Y., Yu, Z., Li, G., Oguchi, T., He, H. and Shen, H. (2009): Discrimination in magnetic properties of different-sized sediments from the Changjiang and Huanghe Estuaries of China and its implication for provenance of sediment on the shelf. Marine Geology, 260, 121-129.

  34. Oguchi, T., Hori, K. and Oguchi, C.T. (2008): Paleohydrological implications of late Quaternary fluvial deposits in and around archaeological sites in Syria. Geomorphology, 101, 33-43.

  35. Hashimoto, A., Oguchi, T., Hayakawa, Y., Lin, Z., Saito, K. and Wasklewicz, T.A. (2008): GIS analysis of depositional slope change at alluvial-fan toes in Japan and the American Southwest. Geomorphology, 100, 120-130.

  36. Hayakawa, Y.S., Oguchi, T. and Lin, Z. (2008): Comparison of new and existing global digital elevation models: ASTER G-DEM and SRTM-3. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L17404, doi:10.1029/2008GL035036.

  37. He, H., Oguchi, T. (2008): Late Quaternary activities of the Zemuhe and Xiaojiang faults in southwest China from geomorphological mapping. Geomorphology, 96, 62- 85.

  38. Sasaki, M., Oguchi, T., Okabe, A. and Sadahiro, Y. (2008): GIS education at geographical departments in Japanese universities in relation to the Japan Standard GIS Core Curriculum. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 17, 298-306

  39. Hayakawa, Y.S., Oguchi, T., Komatsubara, J., Ito, K., Hori, K. and Nishiaki, Y. (2007): Rapid on-site topographic mapping with a handheld laser range finder for a geoarchaeological survey in Syria. Geographical Research, 45, 95-104.

  40. Takagi, T., Oguchi, T., Matsumoto, J., Grossman, M.J., Sarker, M.H. and Matin, M.A. (2007): Channel braiding and stability of the Brahmaputra River, Bangladesh, since 1967: GIS and remote sensing analyses. Geomorphology, 85, 294-305.

